Top "Webservicetemplate" questions

How to build SOAP client in Spring?

I am able to send requests to the web service using javax.xml.soap.*, I would like to covert the …

java spring web-services spring-ws webservicetemplate
Handling Fault Responses from Spring's WebServiceTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive

I'm working with Spring's WebServiceTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive(Object, WebServiceMessageCallback) method and I'm having great difficulty understanding how to handle errors properly. …

java spring soapfault webservicetemplate
How to consume third party WSDL services in Spring MVC

I wrote some services (used by an Android app) which takes a request and sends th response in json. Now …

spring web-services wsdl spring-ws webservicetemplate
Cannot Add Http Headers to Message with Spring's WebServiceTemplate

I have a fairly simple case where I am trying to add HTTP headers (not SOAP headers) to a request …

java spring soap header webservicetemplate