NoClassDefFoundError for

xli picture xli · Feb 11, 2015 · Viewed 11.4k times · Source

Our web service client in live environment recently got the exception:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 
at com.sun.proxy.$ Source)

I've done a lot of search online, including a few posts here at StackOverflow:

Catching webservice exception with CXF: NoClassDefFoundError: SOAPFaultBuilder

Could not initialize class

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class

And my understanding was our client received a SOAP Fault from the server and it's missing some jar file. So I'm trying to solve the problem by first recreating it.

I created a simple Web Service server project in Eclipse which has a web method throws a simple fault class annotated by @WebFault. Then I created a simple Web Service client project which consumes the web method. The client project doesn't have any additional libraries/jars in its classpath; all it has is the JRE. To my surprise, it didn't throw the NoClassDefFoundError exception! Instead, I got the I defined on the server side.

The class SOAPFaultBuilder is indeed in rt.jar in JRE. So the simple web service projects I created probably just work as they should. However, how come the web service client in our live environment throw the NoClassDefFoundError exception? That project definitely has rt.jar in the classpath.

Can anyone please shed some light on this problem? If it's missing some jar files (either from the jaxws RI or Apache CXF or others), why would the super simple client I created didn't throw the error? Both the live environment and my local environment use Java7u51.


awsome picture awsome · Oct 12, 2015

I had the same erorr and I resolved this issue by deleting the jax-impl.jar from the tomcat lib folder. It was a possible conflict of the jaxb jar versions with one of my webapps installed in tomcat.