NPE in JBossWS on JBoss 4.2.2 with jmxremote enabled

Jeremy picture Jeremy · Sep 24, 2008 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

I am trying to set up JBoss 4.2.2 and JConsole for remote monitoring. As per many of the how-to's I have found on the web to do this you need to enable jmxremote by setting the following options in run.conf. (I realize the other two opts disable authentication)


Which results in the following exception:

13:06:56,418 INFO [TomcatDeployer] performDeployInternal :: deploy, ctxPath=/services, warUrl=.../tmp/deploy/tmp34585xxxxxxxxx.ear-contents/mDate-Services-exp.war/
13:06:57,706 WARN [AbstractServerConfig] getWebServicePort :: Unable to calculate 'WebServicePort', using default '8080'
13:06:57,711 WARN [AbstractServerConfig] getWebServicePort :: Unable to calculate 'WebServicePort', using default '8080'
13:06:58,070 WARN [AbstractServerConfig] getWebServicePort :: Unable to calculate 'WebServicePort', using default '8080'
13:06:58,071 WARN [AbstractServerConfig] getWebServicePort :: Unable to calculate 'WebServicePort', using default '8080'
13:06:58,138 ERROR [MainDeployer] start :: Could not start deployment: file:/opt/jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp34585xxxxxxxxx.ear-contents/xxxxx-Services.war
at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.WSDLFilePublisher.getPublishLocation(
at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.WSDLFilePublisher.publishWsdlFiles(
at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.PublishContractDeploymentAspect.create(
at org.jboss.wsf.framework.deployment.DeploymentAspectManagerImpl.deploy(
at org.jboss.wsf.container.jboss42.ArchiveDeployerHook.deploy( 

My application uses JWS which according to this bug:

Suggests this workaround:

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.platform.mbeanserver"


I've tried that however that then throws the following exception while trying to deploy a sar file in my ear which only contains on class which implements Schedulable for a couple of scheduled jobs my application requires:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentReaderHashMap.hash(
at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentReaderHashMap.get(

Any suggestions on where to go from here?


I have also tried the following variation:

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -DmbipropertyFile=../server/default/conf/  -DpropertyFile=../server/default/conf/ -Dwicket.configuration=DEVELOPMENT"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.platform.mbeanserver"

I'm using JDK 1.6.0_01-b06


Chris Vest picture Chris Vest · Sep 24, 2008

I have honestly never tried this remoting approach. But, if both your client machine and the server happen to both be linux boxes or similar *nixes with SSH, then you can ssh -XCA to the server and start JConsole on the server and have the GUI display on your client machine with X port forwarding. A JConsole running locally to the server JVM you want to monitor should not have any trouble connecting.

I personally think that's a nifty trick but I realize that it dosn't really solve the problem of getting JConsole to connect remotely through JWS.