Top "Undertow" questions

Undertow is a high performance non-blocking webserver that is the new web server in Red Hat's WildFly.

How to configure Wildfly to serve static content (like images)?

I have a JavaEE application running on Wildfly 8.0.0 Final. The application uses a lot of images and I don't want …

wildfly undertow static-content
How to start keycloak 2.0 on 8080 port?

Default port of Keycloak used to be on 8080. Now when I am starting keycloak using ./bin/ then it …

jboss wildfly keycloak undertow
Initial amount of memory to run a Spring Boot application

Is there any initial amount of memory I should set to run a Spring Boot application? For example, to run …

java spring tomcat spring-boot undertow
Wildfly 8.2/undertow read time out

I recently migrated my project from jboss4 to wildfly 8.2 with java1.8. I have a webservice call using SAAJ which runs …

java-8 wildfly wildfly-8 saaj undertow
Undertow how to do Non-blocking IO?

I am using Undertow to create a simple application. public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { Undertow server = …

java undertow
Vert.x Event loop - How is this asynchronous?

I'm playing around with Vert.x and quite new to the servers based on event loop as opposed to the …

java nio vert.x undertow
Change WildFly 8 welcome-content to use myapplication.war

When using WildFly 8, pointing a browser at localhost:8080 results in the default welcome-content page being displayed. I want to change …

jakarta-ee wildfly undertow
How to do websockets in embedded undertow?

According to this: it supports websockets. There is no documentation on how to do so, though. I …

java jboss websocket wildfly undertow
How can I serve static resources from outside a war on WildFly

I may be wrong, but to my understanding, the following must be possible in WildFly: It must be possible to …

wildfly wildfly-8 undertow
Undertow properties default values

We're currently tuning our services that uses undertow but we can't find the default values of the following properties: server.…

spring-boot undertow