Top "Vert.x" questions


Refresh access_token via refresh_token in Keycloak

I need to make the user keep login in the system if the user's access_token get expired and user …

java oauth-2.0 keycloak vert.x
Elegant mapping from POJOs to's JsonObject?

I am currently working on a application and wanted to use the provide mongo api for data storage. …

java json vert.x
How to start Vert.x server from IntelliJ IDEA?

How do I start a simple Vert.x server from inside IntelliJ IDEA? My build.gradle is as below: apply …

java intellij-idea gradle vert.x
Run Vertx in an IDE

Is there any way to run Vertx from within an IDE? I know I can create a server in a …

eclipse netbeans intellij-idea ide vert.x
Difference in message-passing model of Akka and Vert.x

Am a Scala programmer and understand Akka from a developer point of view. I have not looked into Akka library's …

scala akka vert.x
How to block thread to wait for response in vert.x?

I have a situation where I call an external API A and use its response to feed to request of …

java reactive-programming vert.x event-driven
Mockito and Guice : mocking a @Provides method

I have a module in my class called MainModule. It has various bindings in it, one of which is a …

dependency-injection mockito guice vert.x
Vertx-web: where do I place webroot folder?

This should be an easy one, but it's not been so far. I've been working with vert.x 2 for a …

java vert.x
Tomcat vs Vert.x

For the past few days I have been reading Vert.x documents. I know that Vert.x is polyglot, single …

java tomcat webserver vert.x
how to parse query argument using vertx?

I wanted to check if we can use getparam to parse start_time and end_time from the below request …

java rest vert.x