Top "Event-driven" questions

The event-driven paradigm of programming centralizes all waiting for events to one generalized loop that delivers (dispatches) events to registered listeners (event handlers).

onclick event function in JavaScript

I have some JavaScript code in an HTML page with a button. I have a function called click() that handles …

javascript html dom-events event-driven
Event-driven Model in C with Sockets

I am really interested in event-driven programming in C especially with sockets so I am going to dedicate some time …

c linux unix operating-system event-driven
What is the relation of 'Event Driven' and 'Object Oriented' programming?

These days, I hear almost everywhere about 'event driven' programming. Wikipedia says: In computer programming, event-driven programming is a programming …

oop event-driven paradigms
What so different about Node.js's event-driven? Can't we do that in ASP.Net's HttpAsyncHandler?

I'm not very experienced in web programming, and I haven't actually coded anything in Node.js yet, just curious about … multithreading node.js event-driven
What are the differences between event-driven and thread-based server system?

Node.js is an event driven I/O and It's a single threaded server that acts upon callbacks and never …

multithreading node.js threadpool event-driven
What is SEDA (Staged Event Driven Architecture)?

SEDA: An Architecture for Well-Conditioned, Scalable Internet Services "SEDA is an acronym for staged event-driven architecture, and decomposes a complex, …

architecture stage event-driven eda
How is reactive programming different than event-driven programming?

I am learning reactive programming and functional reactive programming in JavaScript. I am very confused. Wikipedia says that there are …

javascript reactive-programming frp bacon.js event-driven
Data Driven vs Event Driven model/architecture?

I heard the terms Data Driven and Event Driven model from different folks in past. I did google but these …

event-driven data-driven paradigms
How to block thread to wait for response in vert.x?

I have a situation where I call an external API A and use its response to feed to request of …

java reactive-programming vert.x event-driven
What's the difference between event-driven and asynchronous? Between epoll and AIO?

Event-driven and asynchronous are often used as synonyms. Are there any differences between the two? Also, what is the difference …

linux asynchronous epoll event-driven aio