How to start WildFly as a service with standalone-full.xml?

fatdevelops picture fatdevelops · Mar 4, 2015 · Viewed 38.9k times · Source

WildFly provides a service.bat in %WILDFLY_HOME%\bin\service. Calling the batch file with the install parameter installs WildFly as a service on Windows.

I have made changes to the standalone.conf and need to use the standalone-full.xml in my setup. Hence, I would like to start the WildFly service with these parameters on Windows. Is it possible? How do I do it?


Sevan picture Sevan · Mar 6, 2015

Yes, It is possible. You should only change SERVER_OPTS variable on standalone.bat file. In addition, you do not have to make changes on standalone.conf.

Put below line and try again.

set "SERVER_OPTS=--server-config=standalone-full.xml"