Top "Remotewebdriver" questions

RemoteWebDriver is an implementation class of the WebDriver interface that a test script developer can use to execute their test scripts via the RemoteWebDriver server on a remote machine.

Unable to create new remote session

How to resolve this issue. Earlier my code was working, but IE settings were reseted by someone. Now I am …

selenium-webdriver remotewebdriver
Selenium remoteWebDriver : connection to selenium-standalone-server fail (driver version unknown)

I received an exception after trying to setup a connection to selenium-server-standalone by using remoteWebDriver in an application test written …

selenium selenium-webdriver maven-plugin remotewebdriver
Maintain and re-use existing webdriver browser instance - java

Basically every time I run my java code from eclipse, webdriver launches a new ie browser and executes my tests …

java selenium selenium-webdriver browser-automation remotewebdriver
How to instantiate InternetExplorerDriver with Selenium WebDriver using C#

new InternetExplorerDriver(); But I could see exception as below: OpenQA.Selenium.DriverServiceNotFoundException was unhandled by user code HResult=-2146233088 Message=…

c# selenium selenium-webdriver remotewebdriver iedriverserver
Remote webdriver - Passing firefox profile with Rest Client Extension (add-on)

Currently I am able to send a firefox profile over a RemoteWebDriver, but I am not able to send the …

java remotewebdriver selenium-grid2
Appium and iOS Mobile Safari automation, can it be done?

I cannot get any automation working with Appium vs the Safari mobile browser on an iOS emulator. In my Java …

selenium-webdriver remotewebdriver appium
Remote Webdriver Chrome throws a "path to the driver executable" error

Hi when i use the following code IWebDriver _webDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri(""), DesiredCapabilities.Chrome()); I get …

c# webdriver remotewebdriver
Selenium RemoteWebDriver c# - System.InvalidOperationException

I have a sample UI test project using v3.4.0 of Selenium.WebDriver. Everything works fine when I run the tests …

c# selenium selenium-grid remotewebdriver
Running Parallel Tests using Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid and testNG

This is my very first post here in SO; I am a newbie Selenium User with beginner skill in Java. …

java selenium testng remotewebdriver selenium-grid2
Automating tests using the new ios-driver

I’m trying to automate tests on an iphone simulator or device for a web application running in Safari. The …

ios-simulator selenium-webdriver ui-automation remotewebdriver