Top "Selenium-grid2" questions

Selenium-Grid allows you run Selenium tests on different machines, running various operating systems, against different browsers in parallel.

Can Selenium use multi threading in one browser?

I want to test a web in multi threading but when I open too many chromedrivers they use too much …

multithreading selenium selenium-grid2
Remote webdriver - Passing firefox profile with Rest Client Extension (add-on)

Currently I am able to send a firefox profile over a RemoteWebDriver, but I am not able to send the …

java remotewebdriver selenium-grid2
How to terminate session in Selenium Grid(Extras)

How to terminate session in Selenium Grid? My problem is that if my test fail hub still keep session for …

selenium-grid selenium-grid2
How can I add profile preferences to Chrome for Selenium Grid 2 in C#?

This is how I add profile preferences to Chrome for Local Auto-test runs and TeamCity(CI): Capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.Chrome(); var …

c# google-chrome selenium selenium-grid2
Running Parallel Tests using Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid and testNG

This is my very first post here in SO; I am a newbie Selenium User with beginner skill in Java. …

java selenium testng remotewebdriver selenium-grid2