Top "Selenium-grid" questions

Selenium-Grid allows you run your tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel.

Can Selenium WebDriver open browser windows silently in the background?

I have a Selenium test suite that runs many tests and on each new test it opens a browser window …

selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver selenium-grid
Cannot find firefox binary in PATH. Make sure firefox is installed

In Selenium Grid I am trying to execute a simple program and I'm getting Cannot find firefox binary in PATH …

java selenium selenium-webdriver selenium-grid
What is the best way to avoid NoSuchElementException in Selenium?

I have written few test cases in Selenium WebDriver using Java and execute them on grid (hub and multiple nodes). …

java selenium-webdriver selenium-grid nosuchelementexception
Selenium Grid: MaxSessions vs MaxInstances

I was wondering if anybody could shed some light on a Selenium question that has been giving us a bit …

selenium selenium-webdriver selenium-grid
Protractor - run multiple tests in parallel on different browsers

I can't find any information on how to set this up, but it seems like a pretty basic concept, so …

angularjs selenium-grid protractor
What are the differences between 'Selenium-server-standalone.jar' and 'Selenium Client & WebDriver'?

What are the Implementations differences between 'Selenium-server-standalone.jar' and 'Selenium Client & WebDriver'. Following is the link from …

java selenium selenium-webdriver selenium-grid selenium-rc
how to close selenium hub/grid from command prompt

I start Selenium hub to start Selenium Grid from command prompt on port 4444. Now I start Selenium RC from other …

selenium selenium-rc selenium-grid
Checking HttpResponse OK (200) with Selenium WebDriver

I am using Selenium Remote WebDriver. I read all links from csv file and run test against those links. But …

selenium-webdriver httpresponse selenium-grid
How to find chrome driver version in use for a node on a Selenium grid

Is there a way to check the chrome driver version in use on a particular node remotely? I know running …

selenium selenium-chromedriver selenium-grid