Top "Selenium-grid" questions

Selenium-Grid allows you run your tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel.

Jenkins Slave Connection Timeout When Connecting

Last week I set up a selenium grid using jenkins and 4 slave windows VMs. As part of doing this I …

jenkins jnlp selenium-grid jenkins-slave
How to change the default download directory with IE (Internet Explorer 11)

In this post I see the solutions for setting the download directories for Chrome and Firefox how to change file …

java selenium selenium-webdriver selenium-grid
How to execute cucumber test cases in parallel using Grid?

After doing a fair amount of research on how to run Cucumber test cases in parallel, I found the following …

java selenium-webdriver cucumber selenium-grid
Running Docker in Windows Virtual Machine

Using: Docker Desktop for Windows 10 MobaXterm to RDP into a Windows 10 VM Selenium 3.141.59 I'm currently trying to run a selenium …

docker virtual-machine docker-swarm selenium-grid mobaxterm
ChromeDriver ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR despite --ignore-certificate-errors

I'm trying to run integration tests on a local host (with no HTTPS) using selenium with ChromeDriver. Chrome requires an …

python selenium google-chrome selenium-chromedriver selenium-grid
selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidCookieDomainException: Message: invalid cookie domain while executing tests in Django with Selenium

I am setting up tests for both chrome and firefox using seleniumgrid.I am using docker images selenium-hub and selenium …

django selenium docker docker-compose selenium-grid
how to run my selenium test methods in parallel using testng

I am trying to run my automated tests(Selenium webdriver) in parallel using testng. this is the node which I …

java selenium testng selenium-grid parallel-testing
Selenium Grid2 - Is it possible to run 10 Chrome instances?

Currently Selenium Grid2 running with the default config shows that it can run 5 firefox browsers, 5 chrome browsers and 1 IE. With …

python google-chrome selenium-webdriver selenium-grid