Top "Selenium-grid" questions

Selenium-Grid allows you run your tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel.

Create and upload a file on selenium grid

One of tthe test cases that I have is to upload a file to the application. Witouth grid this can …

java selenium-webdriver selenium-grid
Selenium hangs when launching Firefox on Ubuntu

My end goal is to have Selenium running 'within' Jenkins. My Jenkins installation runs within an Ubuntu virtual machine. After …

java firefox ubuntu selenium selenium-grid
Selenium Grid with parallel testing using C#/NUnit

I've got several unit tests written with NUnit that are calling selenium commands. I've got 2 win2k3 server boxes setup, …

c# nunit selenium-grid pnunit
Selenium RemoteWebDriver c# - System.InvalidOperationException

I have a sample UI test project using v3.4.0 of Selenium.WebDriver. Everything works fine when I run the tests …

c# selenium selenium-grid remotewebdriver
Selenium Grid on Multiple Browsers: should each test case have separate class for each browser?

I'm trying to put together my first Data Driven Test Framework that runs tests through Selenium Grid/WebDriver on multiple …

selenium webdriver selenium-webdriver selenium-grid
WebDriverException: Message: Missing 'marionetteProtocol' field in handshake

I'm currently trying to run a robotframework test scripts locally (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit). The issue that I faced was not …

selenium-webdriver robotframework selenium-grid firefox-marionette
Unable to create new remote session - Selenium webdriver

I am getting exception Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new remote session. desired capabilities = …

java selenium selenium-webdriver selenium-grid
Using Selenium 2 RemoteWebDriver with ChromeDriver

I searched for an answer to my question here and on the web but couldn't find anything that was helpful …

java selenium-chromedriver selenium-grid