Selenium Grid2 - Is it possible to run 10 Chrome instances?

dgrandes picture dgrandes · Nov 29, 2011 · Viewed 7.4k times · Source

Currently Selenium Grid2 running with the default config shows that it can run 5 firefox browsers, 5 chrome browsers and 1 IE. With a max of 5 instances at the same time.

How can I change this so that it runs 10 chrome instances at the same time?

I have succesfully changed the maxsession parameter of the node with -maxSession 10. However when I run 10 tests, the hub shows that 5 are in queue waiting to be executed.

I dont know if this matters or not, but the hub itself shows a maxSession params of 5. Yet this one I couldn't change.

Any ideas on how to do this?


dgrandes picture dgrandes · Nov 30, 2011

I figured it out:

run the node with the argument of MaxSession, and let the browser Configuration have the MaxInstances parameter, ie:

java -jar $JARFILE$CHROMEDRIVER -role webdriver -hub http://$HUB_IP:4444/grid/register -maxSession 10 -browser browserName=chrome,maxInstances=10"

pretty straightforward actually...