Protractor - run multiple tests in parallel on different browsers

tennisgent picture tennisgent · Dec 19, 2013 · Viewed 40k times · Source

I can't find any information on how to set this up, but it seems like a pretty basic concept, so I'm sure there's an answer out there.

I know how to run protractor on different browsers by setting the browserName property of the capabilities object in the config. And that's working great. I can set it to 'chrome' or 'firefox' or whatever I need and it runs just as expected. But the only way to run a single test suite against multiple browsers (as far as I know) is to create separate config files, each with a different browserName and then run each browser with its own config. This works, but its really slow because tests are then running in sequence, rather than concurrently.

Is there any way to run it on multiple browsers in parallel?

Can it be done on SauceLabs? or even using a local Selenium-Grid?

We are just trying to streamline our testing process and this would be a huge help. Any suggestions or info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Paolo Moretti picture Paolo Moretti · Feb 20, 2014

There's new option called multiCapabilities for that:

multiCapabilities: [{
  'browserName': 'chrome'
}, {
  'browserName': 'firefox'

Here's a complete example.