Top "Maven-plugin" questions

Do not use this tag for the use of specific Maven plugins.

Maven 2 assembly with dependencies: jar under scope "system" not included

I am using maven-assembly plugin to create a jar of my application, including its dependencies as follows: <assembly> &…

maven-2 maven-plugin maven-assembly-plugin
Maven: Including a META-INF folder in the classes folder

I have a very simple WAR project and I want to include a directory named META-INF at the top of …

java web-applications maven-2 jakarta-ee maven-plugin
how to integrate Angular 2 + Java Maven Web Application

I have created a Angular 2 front-end Application.and i have created one Java Rest WS Back-end Application which is connected …

java web-applications typescript angular maven-plugin
Run a single Maven plugin execution?

I thought I was an experienced Maven user, but I am having a mental block on how to do this! …

database maven testing maven-3 maven-plugin
Send maven output to file

On Windows 7, I am trying to send the output of a maven-3 command to a text file. I call the …

maven windows-7 dependencies maven-plugin maven-3
Why does the Maven command "mvn sonar:sonar" work without any plugin configuration in my "pom.xml"?

I have a Maven web project in my repo. I am a Maven noob but still I understand the fact …

java maven sonarqube maven-plugin
Maven - Generate Jar and War

I have a CXF WS project that I would use it in another project, I would consume this WS in …

java maven maven-2 cxf maven-plugin
How to copy .war to Tomcat's webapps directory using Maven?

Is there anything I can add to pom.xml that will copy the generated .war file from the target directory …

maven maven-plugin
What are the URLs of all the Maven Archetype catalogs that you know about?

Maven Archetypes are the "templates" by which you can quickly generate a running example of a given framework or project …

java maven-2 maven-plugin maven-archetype
Basic maven plugin project not working, Mojo plugin descriptors not generating

I am following the tutorial for creating a maven plugin and cannot run mvn install without getting errors. The info …

java maven maven-plugin