Top "Maven-plugin" questions

Do not use this tag for the use of specific Maven plugins.

Maven javadoc plugin - how can I include only certain classes?

Using the Maven javadoc plugin you can exclude certain packages - but I have lots of packages and only a …

java maven-2 javadoc maven-plugin
mvn deploy:file to different repositories for snapshot and release version

Is it possible to in some way tell the maven deploy:file goal to deploy to two independent artifactories based …

maven maven-plugin maven-deploy-plugin
Maven assembly : add different version of the same artifact

I create my application archive with the maven assembly plugin. All the dependency present in my pom are included without …

java maven-2 maven-plugin maven-assembly-plugin
Programmatically resolving Maven dependencies outside of a plugin - get RepositorySystemSession and RepositorySystem

Maybe this is going to be a larger task than I had originally thought, but regardless, I'm trying to load …

java maven maven-plugin aether
Tool for creating a Java daemon service on Linux

What is the best way to create a java application that can be run using ‘service’ on Linux? I was …

java linux maven-2 maven-plugin daemon
maven-compiler-plugin in parent pom

I am facing issue in setting java compiler version for the parent-child pom files. I added maven-compiler-plugin in child pom …

java eclipse maven maven-plugin maven-compiler-plugin
Unable to load the mojo 'test' - org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M1:test

I am building my apps with Maven-3 and i guess after auto-refresh of maven-surefire-plugin to 3.0.0-M1 i am not able …

java maven maven-2 maven-3 maven-plugin
How to get access to Maven's dependency hierarchy within a plugin

In my plugin I need to process the dependency hierarchy and get information (groupId, artifactId, version etc) about each dependency …

maven maven-plugin maven-dependency-plugin aether
How to use Maven Surefire plug-in with different groups for test and integration-test?

I want to use testng with the Surefire plug-in of Maven. The idea is to tag some tests with a …

maven-2 maven-plugin testng surefire
Add maven-build-classpath to plugin execution classpath

I am writing some code-gen maven-plugin. I need my project classpath be injected in to my plugin execution classpath. I …

maven-2 maven-plugin