Top "Maven-deploy-plugin" questions

The deploy plugin is primarily used during the deploy phase, to add your artifact(s) to a remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects.

How to deploy only zip artifacts in maven

I have done some zip packaging in maven using the below descriptor and pom file. But in maven by default …

maven maven-plugin maven-deploy-plugin
Connector for maven deployment?

I have created a working maven archetype for a Vaadin/Hibernate/Spring project. I am able to install this archetype …

maven maven-deploy-plugin
How can I deploy only the pom file to my snapshot repository in Maven?

I would like to be able to deploy only the POM artifact (file) without the main artifact (JAR, WAR, etc), …

maven maven-deploy-plugin
mvn deploy:file to different repositories for snapshot and release version

Is it possible to in some way tell the maven deploy:file goal to deploy to two independent artifactories based …

maven maven-plugin maven-deploy-plugin
How can I deploy a zip file created with the maven-antrun-plugin?

I'm using the maven-antrun-plugin to do a bunch of work with Ant, which ultimately results in a zip file. I'd …

ant maven maven-deploy-plugin maven-ant-tasks
maven-metadata.xml is not updated when deploying to nexus

i am using Apache Maven 3.0 Nexus Open Source Edition, Version: this is part of my pom.xml <plugin> &…

maven maven-3 nexus maven-deploy-plugin maven-metadata
Why is Maven (incorrectly?) deploying my SNAPSHOT to both the release and snapshot repositories?

I'm currently experiencing a problem while trying to set up a project to deploy to an internal nexus repository. Since …

maven maven-deploy-plugin
How to restructure Maven multi-module project?

I appologize for the length of this post, but I had trouble making it more concise without presenting the picture. …

java maven multi-module maven-deploy-plugin
Deploying Maven assembly ZIP to nexus

I am using the assembly plugin to build a jar with dependancies and then zip the project. The zip should …

maven wget nexus maven-assembly-plugin maven-deploy-plugin
Why is Maven uploading incorrectly snapshots to release repository?

I'm trying to use the maven-deploy-plugin to upload releases and snapshots into a Nexus repository. However I run across this …

maven nexus maven-deploy-plugin