Top "Maven-jaxb2-plugin" questions

This Maven 2 plugin wraps the JAXB 2.x XJC compiler and provides the capability to generate java sources from schemas.

Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri:url, local:"objectname"). Expected elements are <{}objectname>

I'm using jaxb2-marshaller to generate classes to communicate with a webservice. Java-classes are generated with use of some wsdl …

java spring unmarshalling jaxb2 maven-jaxb2-plugin
Maven trouble when trying to generate from WSDL file

Im trying to generate sources from a wsdl file, but I keep running into an error on my pom.xml …

eclipse soap jaxb wsdl maven-jaxb2-plugin
Howto generate classes from WSDL and XSD with gradle, equivalent to maven-jaxb2-plugin

I want to switch my Maven2 build file to gradle. Generating the java classes from WSDL + XSDs with gradle seems …

java maven wsdl gradle maven-jaxb2-plugin
How to specify javax.xml.accessExternalSchema for the JAXB2 Maven plugin

I have a maven plugin (jaxb2) and I need to supply a jvm arg to it. I don't think there …

java maven maven-jaxb2-plugin
How does one get JAXB-generated sources onto the Eclipse build path under m2e/Indigo?

Under Helios/m2eclipse, when I generated jaxb sources they would be put on the Eclipse source path when I …

m2eclipse m2e maven-jaxb2-plugin
Is there a way to deal with duplicate element definitions across multiple .xsd files in JAXB?

I have dozens and dozens .xsd files that I want to auto-generate code for. A couple of the files have …

java maven jaxb maven-plugin maven-jaxb2-plugin
Create a common xsd generated class to be used by other packages

I am trying to use the same generated class but in separate packages. So the structure should look something like …

xsd jaxb xjc maven-jaxb2-plugin
Maven JAXB2 XJC plugin: M2E plugin execution not covered

I am using using the jaxb2 xjc plugin for generating java files from a XSD. Therefore I used to configure …

java maven jaxb xjc maven-jaxb2-plugin
JAXB fails to generate Java classes for XBRL

I'm trying to generate Java classes for types defined in XBRL. My build process is based on Maven 2, and here …

jaxb maven-jaxb2-plugin xbrl jaxb2-maven-plugin cxf-xjc-plugin
maven-jaxb2-plugin VS jaxb2-maven-plugin for multiple schemas

I have multiple xsd schemas that I want to unmarshall into different packages under the same folder target/generated-sources/xjc. …

java eclipse maven maven-jaxb2-plugin jaxb2-maven-plugin