Top "Cxf-xjc-plugin" questions

cxf-xjc-plugin is a maven plugin to automate the XJC tool for compiling XSD (XML Schema) to Java source code as part of a maven build, usually as part of the "generate-sources" phase.

JAXB fails to generate Java classes for XBRL

I'm trying to generate Java classes for types defined in XBRL. My build process is based on Maven 2, and here …

jaxb maven-jaxb2-plugin xbrl jaxb2-maven-plugin cxf-xjc-plugin
unexpected element (uri:"", local:""). Expected elements are (none)

I am not able to map response xml to java generated by xsd using cxf-xjc-plugin. pom.xml <build> &…

java xml xsd pom.xml cxf-xjc-plugin
Integration of jaxb binding file using CXF to generate client based on WSDL

I am trying to incorporate a JAXB binding file when using CXF XJC plugin to call wsdl2java. So I …

java jaxb wsdl jax-ws-customization cxf-xjc-plugin
JAXB marshalling for BigDecimal using fractionDigits

So here's my problem. I'm given an XSD to which my generated XML file should comply. Using the org.apache.…

java xsd jaxb xjc cxf-xjc-plugin
How to run XJC with Java 11 and maven?

To generate java classes from XSD (for reading XML files), we used jaxb2-maven-plugin and Java8. For java 11, we get …

maven jaxb java-11 jaxb2-maven-plugin cxf-xjc-plugin