Top "Jaxb2-maven-plugin" questions

This plugin uses JAXB2 to generate Java classes from XML Schemas (and binding files) and to create XML Schemas for existing Java classes.

Generate classes with jaxb2-maven-plugin from WSDL

I am having trouble configuring the jaxb2-maven-plugin to generate Java classes from a WSDL and multiple XSD files that …

java maven jaxb jaxb2-maven-plugin
XJC Maven Plugin(jaxb2-maven-plugin) Java 11 Migration Issues

I am currently working on java 11 migration project where jaxb2-maven-plugin has been used for XJC task. As XJC executable …

java jaxb maven-plugin jaxb2-maven-plugin
JAXB fails to generate Java classes for XBRL

I'm trying to generate Java classes for types defined in XBRL. My build process is based on Maven 2, and here …

jaxb maven-jaxb2-plugin xbrl jaxb2-maven-plugin cxf-xjc-plugin
How to generate java classes into source folder using jaxb2-maven-plugin?

I use jaxb2-maven-plugin to generate java classes. There is plugin properties: <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.…

java jaxb jaxb2-maven-plugin
maven-jaxb2-plugin VS jaxb2-maven-plugin for multiple schemas

I have multiple xsd schemas that I want to unmarshall into different packages under the same folder target/generated-sources/xjc. …

java eclipse maven maven-jaxb2-plugin jaxb2-maven-plugin
JAXB equals and Hashcode: gives error

I'm trying to get my pom.xml to generate the hashCode() and equals methods() on my JAXB objects. <project …

maven jaxb maven-jaxb2-plugin jaxb2-basics jaxb2-maven-plugin
Is there a JAXB Plugin which generates Builders?

Are you aware of any good JAXB Plugin which generated Builder pattern classes for the generated JAXB classes? Composing domain …

java xml jaxb2 jaxb2-maven-plugin
Using XJB with jaxb2-maven-plugin

I have a multi-module maven project in the following structure: root-module |__module-a | |__src | |__main | |__xsd | | |__my.xsd | |__xjb | |__my.xjb |__…

maven jaxb2 xjc jaxb2-maven-plugin xjb
org.codehaus.mojo : jaxb2-maven-plugin : 1.6 --> API incompatibility was encountered

when using jaxb2-maven-plugin from codehaus i get the following problem marker in eclipse the content of this marker contains …

maven jaxb xsd xjc jaxb2-maven-plugin
remove xmlns attribute from the root element while marshalling jaxb

This might be a related to JAXB Marshaller - How do I suppress xmlns namespace attributes? But my problem is …

java xml jaxb xml-namespaces jaxb2-maven-plugin