How to generate java classes into source folder using jaxb2-maven-plugin?

May12 picture May12 · Feb 14, 2017 · Viewed 15.3k times · Source

I use jaxb2-maven-plugin to generate java classes. There is plugin properties:

                <!-- The package of your generated sources -->

After running mvn clean compile the plugin creates classes in the target\classes\com\bcap\me\JaxB directory. But i need to have classes in the source folder (package): src\main\java\com\bcap\me\JaxB How to do this?

UPDATE I add outputDirectory property, but i am not sure about the correctness of this approach:



I solved my case like:

                            <!-- The package of your generated sources -->

Thanks to @ulab


Xstian picture Xstian · Feb 14, 2017

You could use following maven plugin
