Top "Xjb" questions

xjb is a configuration file that is used to customize the default binding behaviour of the JAXB compiler.

How to generate *.xjb file from WSDL?

I have a WSDL file weatherservice.wsdl and I am trying to generate binding for this WSDL using xjc. How …

jaxb wsdl wsdl2java xjc xjb
Change the name of generated variable for referenced element in XSD using Jaxb and bindings

Today I have a mindboggler I just cannot solve. I will start with an Explanation and Example. I have 2 XSD …

java reference xsd jaxb xjb
Using XJB with jaxb2-maven-plugin

I have a multi-module maven project in the following structure: root-module |__module-a | |__src | |__main | |__xsd | | |__my.xsd | |__xjb | |__my.xjb |__…

maven jaxb2 xjc jaxb2-maven-plugin xjb