Top "Xjc" questions

XJC is a JAXB tool for compiling XSD (XML Schema) to Java source code.

No @XmlRootElement generated by JAXB

I'm trying to generate Java classes from the FpML (Finanial Products Markup Language) version 4.5. A ton of code is generated, …

java jaxb xjc fpml no protocol

I' m writing a class to run xjc in java. my code goes as follows: URL url = new URL("C:\\…

java url jaxb xjc
Generating a JAXB class that implements an interface

I'm currently using JAXB to generate java classes in order to unmarshall XML. Now I would like to create a …

java xsd jaxb xjc jaxb2-basics
JAXB: How to change XJC-generated classes names when attr type is specified in XSD?

I'm a beginner to JAXB and I'm having annoying issues when generating Java classes with xjc. I am provided with …

types xsd jaxb xjc
javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:""). Expected elements are

You can find a lot of questions like this in this site but none has solved my issue. This is …

java xml jaxb xjc
How to generate @XmlRootElement Classes for Base Types in XSD?

I am having some issues with generating Java Classes with appropriate JAXB annotations from an XSD using XJC. I have …

java xsd jaxb xjc
Applying external JAXB binding file to schema elements imported from WSDL

The XPath expression in my external binding files can't target the elements in my XML schemas which are imported into …

jaxb jax-ws xjc wsimport
How to write an external binding file for xjc?

The documentation of JAXB xjc says: -b Specify one or more external binding files to process. (Each binding file must …

java xml jaxb xjc
xjc: Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class

Running the following xjc command raises an error : $ xjc "" parsing a …

java binding xsd schema xjc
How to generate a Java class which implements Serializable interface from xsd using JAXB?

I would like to introduce caching into an existing Spring project which uses JAXB to expose WebServices. Caching will be …

java xsd jaxb xjc