Top "Jaxb2-basics" questions

JAXB2 Basics is an open source project which implements plugins and tools for JAXB 2.x reference implementation.

Generating a JAXB class that implements an interface

I'm currently using JAXB to generate java classes in order to unmarshall XML. Now I would like to create a …

java xsd jaxb xjc jaxb2-basics
convert JAXBElement<String> value to java string

I have a pojo class where return type of variable is JAXBElement<String>. I want to store it …

jaxb jaxb2 jaxb2-basics
Add toString, hashCode, equals while generating JAXB classes in Java

I'm trying to generate JAXB classes from an XSD file programmatically, using Java. I've used the following code snippet to …

java jaxb xjc jaxb2-basics
Generating hashCode() and equals() when creating Java classes using Mojo Jaxb2 maven plugin

The code I'm working on is using jaxb2-maven-plugin from org.codehaus.mojo to generate Java classes from XSD schema. …

java maven jaxb2 jaxb2-basics
Insert custom annotation in java 'field' using annotate plugin + JAXB (upon xsd -> java)

Use case: Wanna insert custom annotation to fields in java class generated by JAXB Problem: Using Annotate plugin + JAXB [1], am …

java xml jaxb annotate jaxb2-basics
maven-jaxb2-plugin isn't generating any output

I'm new to Maven, and am trying to use it to generate the Java classes from my XSD. My xsd …

maven maven-jaxb2-plugin jaxb2-basics
JAXB equals and Hashcode: gives error

I'm trying to get my pom.xml to generate the hashCode() and equals methods() on my JAXB objects. <project …

maven jaxb maven-jaxb2-plugin jaxb2-basics jaxb2-maven-plugin
How to use jaxb_commons plugins from maven

I'm trying to use a jaxb plugin to insert a interface into a choice element generating the classes from maven. …

plugins maven-2 jaxb jaxb2-basics
JAXB schema to Java Different XmlRootElement name and Class name

I have a xsd schema from which I'm generating some java classes. I'm using jaxb for the generation. I want …

jaxb xsd jaxb2-basics annox jaxb2-annotate-plugin
Edit JAXB generated annotation using annox and add namespace in param

I do have the following annotation in a JAXB generated class @XmlType(name = "MessageInfoType", propOrder = { "debugTraceBoolean", "clientHostnameString", "endUserIPAddress" }) Need to …

jaxb jaxb2 jaxb2-basics annox