Top "Jaxb2" questions

Java Architecture for XML Binding is the Java standard for working with XML as domain objects.

JAXB: how to marshall map into <key>value</key>

The question is about JAXB Map marshalling - there is plenty of examples on how to marhsall a Map into …

java xml jaxb jaxb2
Class Cast Exception when trying to unmarshall xml?

Trying to get past a class cast exception here: FooClass fooClass = (FooClass ) unmarshaller.unmarshal(inputStream); throws this exception: java.lang.…

java jaxb jaxb2
Is it possible to customize the namespace prefix that JAXB uses when marshalling to a String?

For example, I've got a simple schema which imports another schema. The second schema (urn:just:attributes, just-attributes.xsd) just …

xml-serialization jaxb java-metro-framework jaxb2
Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri:url, local:"objectname"). Expected elements are <{}objectname>

I'm using jaxb2-marshaller to generate classes to communicate with a webservice. Java-classes are generated with use of some wsdl …

java spring unmarshalling jaxb2 maven-jaxb2-plugin
406 Not Acceptable in Spring MVC application (OSGi, Virgo Web Server) using Jackson, Rome and JAXB2

I just started learning the Virgo Web Server. I'm trying to work with Jakcson JSON in Spring MVC application. At …

java spring-mvc jackson jaxb2 rome
How do you customize how JAXB generates plural method names?

We are using JAXB to generate Java classes and have encountered a few cases where generated plural method names are …

java xml jaxb jaxb2
Which artifacts should I use for JAXB RI in my Maven project?

Historically, I always used the following JAXB RI artifacts in my Maven projects: com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl - Runtime …

java maven jaxb jaxb2
How to write a Unit Test for JAXB 2.0 Marshalling

I am using Jaxb 2.0 api without using XSD, and have created the content model using annotations. I want to write …

marshalling junit4 jaxb2
convert JAXBElement<String> value to java string

I have a pojo class where return type of variable is JAXBElement<String>. I want to store it …

jaxb jaxb2 jaxb2-basics
Confused as how to use JAXB XML Adapter for my requirement

I am Using JAXB for unmarshalling process , for which the request comes from the UI to our service class . The …

xml jaxb jaxb2 xmladapter