Top "Jaxb2" questions

Java Architecture for XML Binding is the Java standard for working with XML as domain objects.

Is there a JAXB Plugin which generates Builders?

Are you aware of any good JAXB Plugin which generated Builder pattern classes for the generated JAXB classes? Composing domain …

java xml jaxb2 jaxb2-maven-plugin
Generating classes from multiple wsdl files using maven-jaxb2-plugin

I can generate classes from one wsdl file like this: <plugin> <groupId>org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2&…

maven wsdl jaxb2 maven-jaxb2-plugin
Using XJB with jaxb2-maven-plugin

I have a multi-module maven project in the following structure: root-module |__module-a | |__src | |__main | |__xsd | | |__my.xsd | |__xjb | |__my.xjb |__…

maven jaxb2 xjc jaxb2-maven-plugin xjb
How to specify the JAXB version in maven-jaxb2-plugin?

I need to use the latest version jaxb: 2.2.4-1, but maven or maven-jaxb2-plugin seems to pick up the one …

maven-2 maven jaxb2 maven-jaxb2-plugin
Generating JAXB class from XSDs with similar attribute names

I use maven-jaxb2-plugin to generate jaxb annotated classes from xsd. I have many xsd files like those: <?xml …

java xml xsd jaxb2 maven-jaxb2-plugin
JAXB javaType customization on xs:integer produces @XmlElement with "type=String.class"

When generating Java beans from a XSD with XJC, I need to map xs:integer to Integer rather than BigInteger. …

java jaxb2 xjc
How to handle forward references of XML IDREF with JAXB XmlAdapter during unmarshal?

Is it possible to handle forward references of XML IDREF elements in JAXB XmlAdapter during the unmarshal process? For example, …

xml jaxb xml-parsing jaxb2 forward-reference
Jaxb Xew Plugin in Maven JAX WS

mvn generate-sources [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] Using the builder org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.builder.singlethreaded.SingleThreadedBu ilder …

jaxb2 jaxws-maven-plugin jaxb-xew-plugin
Edit JAXB generated annotation using annox and add namespace in param

I do have the following annotation in a JAXB generated class @XmlType(name = "MessageInfoType", propOrder = { "debugTraceBoolean", "clientHostnameString", "endUserIPAddress" }) Need to …

jaxb jaxb2 jaxb2-basics annox