Top "Jaxb2" questions

Java Architecture for XML Binding is the Java standard for working with XML as domain objects.

Generating hashCode() and equals() when creating Java classes using Mojo Jaxb2 maven plugin

The code I'm working on is using jaxb2-maven-plugin from org.codehaus.mojo to generate Java classes from XSD schema. …

java maven jaxb2 jaxb2-basics
JAXB 2.x: How to unmarshal an XML without knowing the target class?

If there is a way, how to do this, I'd like to know the most elegant one. Here is the …

java jaxb jaxb2 moxy
Netbeans with JAXB Random ClassCastException ..cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor

I have downloaded the Soap messages from a SOAP Service and trying to mock the Soap service by returning the …

java netbeans jaxb netbeans-7 jaxb2
namespace issue on web service with Apache CXF

I'm using Apache CXF 2.7.3, and running into a namespace issue that I really don't understand. I've tried extensively to search …

java web-services cxf jaxb2 java-ws
What is the relationship between Jersey, JAXB, JAX-RS, Moxy, Jackson, EclipseLink Moxy, json and xml?

I am coming from Node.js background and have quite a good understanding of RESTful web services. Now I am …

java rest jersey jersey-2.0 jaxb2
Handling invalid enum values while doing JAXB Unmarshalling

My Jaxb has created a Enum class based on the XML schema set up. **enum Fruit { APPLE,ORANGE; }** I am …

web-services soapui jaxb2
Why does JAXB 2 RI's XJC simple mode change collection names?

JAXB simple binding mode modifies collection names to their plural 'version', e.g. "additionalData" becomes "additionalDatas". Is there any solution …

java jaxb java-metro-framework jaxb2
ClassCastException in casting DTMManagerDefault into DTMManager during maven jaxb codegen

I'm having a strange problem when trying to run a maven build that uses the jaxb2 plugin to do JAXB …

java maven-2 classcastexception jaxb2
JAXB: Qualified attributes disables default namespace xmlns=""?

When I use @XmlSchema(attributeFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, ...) or@XmlAttribute(namespace = "", ...) JAXB ignores @XmlSchema(namespace = "", ...) …

jaxb jaxb2 moxy
Validate xml created using jaxb against an xsd file

I have a xml file created using jaxb. I need to validate it against a xsd document. Is it possible …

jaxb jaxb2 xml-validation