Top "Java-ws" questions

How to log SOAP messages on client side?

Good day. I'm learning how to write a connector to external SOAP RCP styled service. I'm using jaxws-maven-plugin plugin to …

java jax-ws soap-client spring-ws java-ws
namespace issue on web service with Apache CXF

I'm using Apache CXF 2.7.3, and running into a namespace issue that I really don't understand. I've tried extensively to search …

java web-services cxf jaxb2 java-ws
XSD and WSDL in different directories

At my work used jaxws-maven-plugin for code generation. I have two projects are "common" and'' client ". Structure roughly as follows: …

maven wsdl wsimport java-ws
Java Webservice Client UsernameToken equivalent to PHP

I have a webservice build in PHP that uses UsernameToken as authentification mechanism. I have PHP client side code that …

php web-services nonce usernametoken java-ws
How to exclude method from CXF WebService - strange behavior

Can someone explain to me the following behavior of CXF? I have simple WebService: import javax.jws.WebMethod; public interface …

java cxf java-ws
Webservice - Operation has timed out

The project that I'm working on is the following: I've got a Java webservice that encrypts data (Des, 3Des). The …

c# web-services soap wsdl java-ws