Top "Usernametoken" questions

Example of SOAP request authenticated with WS-UsernameToken

I'm trying to authenticate a SOAP request using WS-UsernameToken spec, but the target device is always denying access. My non-working …

web-services soap ws-security digest usernametoken
Implementing password digest for ws-security UsernameToken in Java

I am trying to make a call to a ws-security secured webservice from a server which unfortunately does not support …

java soap ws-security usernametoken
What are the allowed character in snapchat username

I have been unable to find what the allowed characters are while creating a shapchat ( username. …

username snapchat usernametoken
UserNameToken in soap from Java

I am trying to use a gSoap-generated wsdl from Netbeans. The webservice requires that the UserNameToken be passed in. When …

java xml soap ws-security usernametoken
Java Webservice Client UsernameToken equivalent to PHP

I have a webservice build in PHP that uses UsernameToken as authentification mechanism. I have PHP client side code that …

php web-services nonce usernametoken java-ws
How to use WS-Security and Access UsernameToken from an ASMX Web Service?

Okay, so we have a legacy ASMX web service that is currently running in .NET 3.5 and we're using Visual Studio 2008. …

c# web-services asmx ws-security usernametoken
Inserting Username token in security header of already generated SOAP envelope gives me two headers!

I'm using WSS4J to add a Username token in the header of an already formed SOAP request envelope. Here …

java web-services security wss4j usernametoken
How do I add an EncodingType attribute to the Nonce element of a UsernameToken in WSE 3.0 (.NET)

I'm trying to call a Java Web Service from an MVC3 .NET web app using WSE 3.0. However, the web service …

.net security wse nonce usernametoken