Top "Wse" questions

WSE is the obsolete Web Services Enhancements code from Microsoft.

Adding an attachment to SOAP request

I am at a loose end as to how to add an attachment in my SOAP request. We have to …

.net soap attachment mtom wse
WCF client passing username token with mustUnderstand set to true

I'm tasked with creating a WCF service that will be consumed by an external client. The client is using WSSE …

wcf web-services wse
How do I prevent my .NET SOAP client from including "Connection: KeepAlive" in the HTTP headers. (using WSE3.0)

In the HTTP Connection header, my web service client is including: Connection: Keep-Alive I want to disable this. After doing …

.net wse keep-alive webservice-client wse3.0
What Is The Microsoft.Web.Services2.dll

Can someone explain what this does and why its needed?

c# web-services wse
Accidentally sticking SOAP Body inside of SOAP Header attempting to access WSE service with WCF client

I am attempting to hit a WSE secured web service using WCF. The SOAP header I need to generate to …

wcf soap wse soapheader
How do I add an EncodingType attribute to the Nonce element of a UsernameToken in WSE 3.0 (.NET)

I'm trying to call a Java Web Service from an MVC3 .NET web app using WSE 3.0. However, the web service …

.net security wse nonce usernametoken