JAXB 2.x: How to unmarshal an XML without knowing the target class?

basZero picture basZero · Apr 1, 2011 · Viewed 14.6k times · Source

If there is a way, how to do this, I'd like to know the most elegant one. Here is the question: - Let's assume you have an abstract class Z - You have two classes inherited from Z: named A and B.

You marshal any instance (A or B) like this:

JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Z.class);
Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller();
m.marshal(jaxbObject, ...an outputstream...);

In the resulting XML you see what kind of instance it was (A or B).

Now, how do you unmarshall like

JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Z.class);
Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
u.unmarshal(...an inputstream...)

I get an UnmarshalException saying

"Exception Description: A descriptor with default root element {<my namespace>}<the root tag, e.g. A or B> was not found in the project]


So how do you do unmarshalling so that you get an instance of Z and then you can test AFTER unmarshalling, what it is? e.g. z instanceof A then... z instanceof B then something else... etc.

Thanks for any ideas or solutions.

I am using JRE1.6 with MOXy as JAXB Impl.


basZero picture basZero · Apr 1, 2011

There is a similar question here.

Is it possible, to just unmarshall by providing Person.class and the unmarshaller finds out itself, whether it has to unmarshall to ReceiverPerson.class or SenderPerson.class?

public class ReceiverPerson extends Person {
  // receiver specific code

public class SenderPerson extends Person {
  // sender specific code (if any)

// note: no @XmlRootElement here
public class Person {
  // data model + jaxb annotations here