How to generate *.xjb file from WSDL?

teon picture teon · Mar 27, 2015 · Viewed 13.1k times · Source

I have a WSDL file weatherservice.wsdl and I am trying to generate binding for this WSDL using xjc. How do I do this using xjc?

I did not find any command line args to do it from xjc. xjc -p com -wsdl weatherservice.wsdl


Surendra Poranki picture Surendra Poranki · Mar 27, 2015

Generally we create a bindings file with .xjb extension to resolve any conflicts in the WSDL or schema. For example if two elements have the same name and you want to distinguish between them you can rename one by specifying it the bindings file.

Here is an example:


    <jaxb:globalBindings generateIsSetMethod="true" fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty="true">
        <xjc:serializable uid="1" />

    <jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="abcd.xsd">
        <jaxb:bindings node="//xs:element[@name='Event']/xs:simpleType">
               <jaxb:typesafeEnumClass name="EventEnumType" />
