How to run XJC with Java 11 and maven?

Walter Kuhn picture Walter Kuhn · Jan 22, 2019 · Viewed 7.4k times · Source

To generate java classes from XSD (for reading XML files), we used jaxb2-maven-plugin and Java8.

For java 11, we get many issues...

What libraries and plugins do work (today), allowing to generate java code from XSD using java 11 and maven? If possible point out different solutions, such as with cxf-xjc-plugin, jaxb2-Maven-Plugin and others.


Krzysztof Tomaszewski picture Krzysztof Tomaszewski · Mar 1, 2019

I've just investigated the same topic. The best way for Java 11 is to use cxf-xjc-plugin. It's a Maven plugin. No other Maven plugin is able to work under Java 11 without annoying workarounds.

I've published a complete example with cxf-xjc-plugin here: