Top "Jax-ws-customization" questions

JAX-WS customization allows to setup WSDL to Java mapping (override endpoint interface and exception class name, method names, parameter names, package name) and to control certain features (wrapping style, asynchronous calls).

WS Client with Proxy and Autentification

I know this isn't exactly the correct way to ask a question, but I'm having a problem: I have a …

java web-services jax-ws webservices-client jax-ws-customization
Generate Java code from WSDL file

I am new to Java. I am trying to create SOAP Web service client to consume a vendors webservice which …

java jaxb jax-ws webservice-client jax-ws-customization
Deploying JAX-WS webapp in Tomcat 7

I am developing simple JAX-WS webservice. I am creating WAR file using ANT build script. The file when deployed to …

java web-services jax-ws tomcat7 jax-ws-customization
JAX-WS client: maintain session/cookies across multiple services

I'm using Netbeans to automatically create webservice clients based off WSDL files. This works well, except the webservices I'm using …

java cookies jax-ws session-cookies jax-ws-customization
Server-side schema validation with JAX-WS

I have JAX-WS container-less service (published via Endpoint.publish() right from main() method). I want my service to validate input …

validation xsd jax-ws jax-ws-customization
how to get maven-jaxws-plugin to generate @XmlElementWrapper on classes generated from xsd?

I am using maven-jaxws-plugin to generate java classes from my wsdl, schema. It is not generating the @XmlElementWrapper annotation in …

wsimport maven-jaxb2-plugin jax-ws-customization jaxb-xew-plugin
Asynchronous web services calls with JAX-WS: Use wsimport support for asynchrony or roll my own?

There is an excellent article by Young Yang that explains how to use wsimport to create web service client artifacts …

web-services asynchronous jax-ws jax-ws-customization
Integration of jaxb binding file using CXF to generate client based on WSDL

I am trying to incorporate a JAXB binding file when using CXF XJC plugin to call wsdl2java. So I …

java jaxb wsdl jax-ws-customization cxf-xjc-plugin