This Maven 2 plugin wraps the JAXB 2.x XJC compiler and provides the capability to generate java sources from schemas.
I am trying to generated sources from two XSD schemas. My JAXB maven plugin looks like this: <plugin> &…
java maven jaxb maven-3 maven-jaxb2-pluginI'm new to Maven, and am trying to use it to generate the Java classes from my XSD. My xsd …
maven maven-jaxb2-plugin jaxb2-basicsI'm trying to get my pom.xml to generate the hashCode() and equals methods() on my JAXB objects. <project …
maven jaxb maven-jaxb2-plugin jaxb2-basics jaxb2-maven-pluginI'm trying to generated Java classes from a set of XSD files using the Maven XJC plugin with a custom …
jaxb xjc maven-jaxb2-pluginI am using maven-jaxb2-plugin to generate some classes from xsd. It is defined in child pom as follows: <…
jaxb maven-3 lifecycle maven-jaxb2-pluginI'm using the maven jaxb2 plugin to generate Java classes, built from schemas in a jar. However, I'm not sure …
java maven jaxb xjc maven-jaxb2-pluginI can generate classes from one wsdl file like this: <plugin> <groupId>org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2&…
maven wsdl jaxb2 maven-jaxb2-pluginI'm attempting to consume a WSDL and generate binding classes using maven-jaxb2-plugin. The WSDL is this, <wsdl:definitions&…
xpath maven-jaxb2-pluginI am using maven-jaxws-plugin to generate java classes from my wsdl, schema. It is not generating the @XmlElementWrapper annotation in …
wsimport maven-jaxb2-plugin jax-ws-customization jaxb-xew-pluginI need to use the latest version jaxb: 2.2.4-1, but maven or maven-jaxb2-plugin seems to pick up the one …
maven-2 maven jaxb2 maven-jaxb2-plugin