Top "Compass-sass" questions

Compass is an open-source CSS authoring framework which uses the Sass stylesheet language to make writing stylesheets powerful and easy.

Failed to build gem native extension (installing Compass)

When I attempt to install the latest version of compass (, I get the …

ruby macos terminal compass-sass
File to import not found or unreadable: compass

I successfully installed Sass, but I'm having trouble importing Compass. The following is the error detail: *Syntax error: File to …

sass compass-sass
SASS :not selector

I have a :not css selector in SASS mixin but it doesn't do anything: Code Snippet: @mixin dropdown-pos($pos:right) { &…

css sass compass-sass
Sass Background Image mixin

I'm kind of new to Sass, but I'm attempting to create a workflow for myself. I generate "color packs" for …

css haml sass compass-sass
IE9 border-radius and background gradient bleeding

IE9 is apparently able to handle rounded corners by using the CSS3 standard definition of border-radius. What about support for …

internet-explorer-9 gradient compass-sass css
Using FontAwesome with Sass

I'm trying to use FontAwesome in a web Compass project. As there's no specific documentation in the FontAwesome page, and …

sass compass-sass font-awesome
How to overwrite SCSS variables when compiling to CSS

I'm trying to use jqtouch theming which is based on SASS and COMPASS. I have a file custom.scss with …

sass compass-sass jqtouch
Sass/Compass - Convert Hex, RGB, or Named Color to RGBA

This may be Compass 101, but has anyone written a mixin which sets the alpha value of a color? Ideally, I …

css sass compass-sass rgba
Can I calculate and use element height with SASS \ Compass

I use sass and compass in my RoR project. I need to assign to the top CSS property of an …

css sass compass-sass
Background images path in Sass and Compass

This is mentioned in config.rb file images_dir = "images" I use 2 folder for images in my projects inside images …

css ruby compass-sass sass