Top "Compass-sass" questions

Compass is an open-source CSS authoring framework which uses the Sass stylesheet language to make writing stylesheets powerful and easy.

How to use compass in phpstorm?

I'm aware of this question: How to add Compass syntax support to Jetbrains PhpStorm? but it doesn't help. I just …

sass compass-sass phpstorm
Compass style libraries for LESS css?

SASS has Compass (a community maintained library of sass mixins/methods). Does LESS have any supporting libraries that can compare …

css less compass-sass
Multiple box-shadow declarations in Sass

I would like to create a Sass mixin for the box-shadow property but am running into some trouble. Some of …

css sass compass-sass
File to import not found or unreadable: susy

I just can't figure out what is wrong with my setup with Susy. I am on OS X 10.7.4 I have …

compass-sass susy-compass
Does Sass have a switch function?

With Sass' ability to use variables, one would hope there is a large set of logic functions we can do …

sass compass-sass
"You must compile individual stylesheets from the project directory" error with compass project

I've installed Zurb Foundation sass into an expressionengine project but i'm getting this when saving the app.scss file: Compass …

sass compass-sass expressionengine
Compass multiple css transitions

How can one do multiple css transitions like this Jsfiddle with Compass? What I am trying to do is basecly …

css sass compass-sass css-transitions
Count number of selectors in a css file

is there an existing plugin/app/program/script/whatever that analyzes and counts the css selectors of a file? i …

css css-selectors haml sass compass-sass
How to use Compass filter mixin?

I'm trying to use filter mixin this way in SCSS: a { @include filter(grayscale(100%)); } But when I compile, I got …

css compass-sass mixins
SASS/SCSS object key value loop

Take a look at this example: @include font-face('Entypo', font-files('entypo.woff')); .icon { display: inline; font: 400 40px/40px Entypo; } .icon-star { @…

css loops sass compass-sass