Top "Compass-sass" questions

Compass is an open-source CSS authoring framework which uses the Sass stylesheet language to make writing stylesheets powerful and easy.

Sass or Compass without ruby?

Is there a way to use Sass or Compass or anything like that without Ruby? I have been looking around …

css sass compass-sass
What is Compass, what is do they differ?

I would like to start using compass and sass to speed up development. At the moment, I have installed Sass …

css sass compass-sass
How do I downgrade to an old version of compass using gem install?

I've been using compass from to manage my sites css for a long time. I just installed …

rubygems sass compass-sass
Why does "compass watch" say it cannot load sass/script/node (LoadError)?

I'm having a problem with my compass watch command - it worked fine up until a few days ago. I …

ruby rubygems compass-sass
Adding !important using a Compass Mixin

If I'm using compass for CSS and use a function or mixin like: @include background-image(linear-gradient(#a3cce0, #fff)); is …

Can I import an externally hosted file with sass?

Using Sass (SCSS) / Compass, is it possible to import some CSS/SCSS into your code from an externally hosted file? …

sass compass-sass cdn
How to install Compass on Windows

I have installed Ruby on my system, and now I want to install Compass. But when I execute the gem …

compass-sass ruby-1.9.3
How to install compass in mac?

I would like to install compass through the terminal in mac. I installed sass. I now have Sass 3.3.0.alpha.175 (Bleeding …

terminal sass compass-sass
Gulp Watch is not working

I'm new Gulp user, and I try simple script to watch compass, but it didn't work. But when I just …

javascript node.js compass-sass gulp
Sass negative variable value?

I have a couple of scss selectors where I use the same amount positive and negative, as in: padding: 0 15px 15…

css sass compass-sass