Top "Compass-sass" questions

Compass is an open-source CSS authoring framework which uses the Sass stylesheet language to make writing stylesheets powerful and easy.

Sass, Compass, compile all CSS file to one

Now, while I am developing my project I have three files, "main.css", "about.css" and "news.css" (for example). …

sass compass-sass
Does @import 'compass' includes the whole framework?

I started to importing shared things like variables and mixins in one place - css manifest file. Now I'm importing …

Why is Compass is giving me an import error when trying to import partials

My compass project directory structure looks like this s3z@s3z:~/Desktop/compass_project$ tree . ├── basic.html ├── config.rb ├── …

import sass compass-sass partials
compass watch compiles once, fails to notice further changes

I work with SASS + Compass on Windows 7. I recently upgraded SASS from 3.2.10 to 3.4.2 and Compass from 0.12.2 to 1.0.1. I did the …

sass compass-sass compass
Difference between compass and sass?

I know this is kind of a stupid question, but I've been searching Google and I can't find any answers :/ …

sass compass-sass
Sencha touch theme: how to customize button icon?

I am trying to use sass/compass to customize the Sencha touch theme for my app. However, I couldn't find …

css sencha-touch sass compass-sass sencha-touch-theming
Can't get sass + compass + susy installed due to version conflict

I'm working with Sass, Compass and Susy on OSX / Terminal. But I can't get Susy to work together with Sass …

sass compass-sass susy-compass
CSS (perhaps with Compass): Cross-browser gradient

I would like to get a gradient in CSS (perhaps through Compass) that works in every major browser, including IE7+. …

css background cross-browser gradient compass-sass
sass-rails asset pipeline: generating image paths incorrectly; `url(/images/blah.png)` instead of `url(/assets/blah.png)`

In section 2.2.2, "CSS and Sass", I'm told to put image-url('delete.png') in my sass. And so I have. However, …

ruby-on-rails sass asset-pipeline compass-sass
Using Compass on Windows with Visual Studio C# and ASP.NET

Has anyone done any development of Compass for CSS/SASS in a standard C# ASP.NET environment? Is there a …

c# windows visual-studio compass-sass