Top "Partials" questions

Partials are often synonym for templates, which can even also be called partial templates.

Is it possible to import a whole directory in sass using @import?

I am modularizing my stylesheets with SASS partials like so: @import partials/header @import partials/viewport @import partials/footer @import …

import sass partials
optional local variables in rails partial templates: how do I get out of the (defined? foo) mess?

I've been a bad kid and used the following syntax in my partial templates to set default values for local …

ruby-on-rails partials
Angular JS and partials

Is it possible to embed html page in another one in angular js? If so, how to do it? Here …

angularjs partial partials
Devise Custom Routes and Login Pages

I'm trying to get Custom Routes working in my Rails application (Ruby 1.9.2 with Rails 3). This is my config/routes.rb …

ruby-on-rails ruby routing devise partials
Rails 4 rendering a partial with ajax, jquery, :remote => true, and respond_to

It seems like rendering a page dynamically with AJAX in response to a submitted form is common. None of the …

jquery ruby-on-rails ajax partials
Inside Express/EJS templates, what is cleanest way to loop through an array?

I have an Express.js app set up using EJS templates. I successfully looped through an array with classic JS …

node.js express underscore.js ejs partials
Render form partial in a different controller (not nested)

I have two models generated with generate scaffolding, one is a LogBook the other is LogEntry. I want to render …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 partials
Rails render of partial and layout in controller

I am overriding the create action of the devise Registrations Controller. I have two forms for signup, individual or company, …

ruby layout ruby-on-rails-4 devise partials
What file path would I use with ng-include?

My angular project's path is like this web ##flask server program app static app.js controllers.js etc... …

html angularjs filepath partials angularjs-ng-include
Angularjs: Multiples partials in single html?

Is possible retrieve multiples html partials in one single html? I've the next situation: Template: {header} {main} {footer} /index: header:"…

html partials angularjs