Top "Partials" questions

Partials are often synonym for templates, which can even also be called partial templates.

Rails passing form_for object to partial

I would like to pass the form_for object to a partial: <%= form_for @price do |f| %> ... <%= …

ruby-on-rails object partials actionview
Passing instance variable to js.erb file (Rails 3 / jQuery)

I have an "index.html.erb" file with the following: <%= render @users %> This renders "_user.html.erb" and …

javascript jquery ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 partials
Where to put partials shared by the whole application in Rails?

Where would I go about placing partial files shared by more than one model? I have a page called crop.…

ruby-on-rails dry partials
Conditionally displaying partial views based on active page

I'm trying to get familiar with MVC5 and am porting over an existing website. I have defined a … razor partials
Asp.Net MVC 3 - @Html.Action won't render/return any HTML

I've been moving a fairly new project from ViewPages to Razor today, and all seems to be going well. Except … razor partials renderaction
Template Partials in Symfony 2

Are there such things as partials in Symfony 2, reusable templates from anywhere, effectively? I have found include http://twig.sensiolabs.…

templates symfony twig partials
How do you do a for loop/for each in EJS?

I know it has to go inside <% %>, but I'm not sure if it's very different from a typical …

javascript html loops express partials
Sass @import using leading underscore

I understand that it is best practise to import SASS/SCSS partials without using the leading underscore; e.g. @import …

sass partials
How to use the partial in zendframework2

In ZF1 we use partial in layout.phtml file something like that $this->partial('header.phtml', array('vr' => …

php zend-framework2 partials view-helpers
using partials with express in node.js

I am trying to render partials using node.js. Here is my code. app.js: var express = require('express') , routes = …

javascript node.js express pug partials