Template Partials in Symfony 2

Jake N picture Jake N · Dec 30, 2012 · Viewed 16.3k times · Source

Are there such things as partials in Symfony 2, reusable templates from anywhere, effectively?

I have found include http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/tags/include.html but this only allows the rendering of a template in a specific directory structure.

What I really want a folder that contains all my partial templates, rather than lumping them into my main views?

So I want to be able to do something like

{% include "Bundle:Default:Partials:view.html.twig" %}


I do not want to use the enforced structure of Bundle:Controller:Template structure. I do not want to use this as it means putting all my template partials in with my main view templates. I need something that lets me do Bundle:Controller:PartialDir:Template


dteoh picture dteoh · Dec 30, 2012

You can already do that. The symfony2 docs has a section describing how to do this.
