Top "Actionview" questions

For questions about Action Views, HTML and Ruby templates used in Ruby on Rails

How do I render a partial of a different format in Rails?

I'm trying to generate a JSON response that includes some HTML. Thus, I have /app/views/foo/bar.json.erb: { …

ruby-on-rails format render partial actionview
How to open a file in Android via an Intent

how can I open a file that has been previously stored in the "privat" filesystem? The file is being downloaded …

android android-intent filesystems actionview
What should I pass for root when inflating a layout to use for a MenuItem's ActionView?

I have an ImageView that I attach to a MenuItem as its ActionView (the item appears in the ActionBar). The …

android android-layout menuitem layout-inflater actionview
rails - how to render a JSON object in a view

right now I'm creating an array and using: render :json => @comments This would be fine for a simple JSON …

ruby-on-rails json ruby-on-rails-3 actionview
Custom Action View can't be clicked

I am trying to add a custom ActionView to my ActionBar. I am trying to add the common refresh button. (…

android android-3.0-honeycomb actionview
Rails: Should partials be aware of instance variables?

Ryan Bates' nifty_scaffolding, for example, does this edit.html.erb <%= render :partial => 'form' %> new.html.erb &…

ruby-on-rails ruby partial actionview
ActionView::TemplateError (Missing template) In ruby on rails

I am running a RoR application (rails 2.3.8, ruby 1.8.7), the application runs fine on my local machine. but on production the …

ruby-on-rails ruby rendering actionview
How can I use strip_tags in regular Ruby code (non-rails)?

I need to turn HTML into plain text. There's a nice function that does that in ActionView's SanitizeHelper, but I …

html ruby tags strip actionview
Open file picker form my Android activity

I'm making an Android app which stores some downloaded pdf files inside the device's SD card. Everything works fine, but …

android android-intent sd-card actionview
How to mixin and call link_to from controller in Rails?

This seems like a noob question, but the simple answer is eluding me. I need to call link_to in …

ruby-on-rails helpers actionview link-to mixins