For questions about Action Views, HTML and Ruby templates used in Ruby on Rails
I'd like to have the following directory structure: views/ app1/ users/_user.html.erb users/index.html.erb app2/ users/…
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 partial-views actionview actionviewhelperI'm attempting to implement a refresh button in my app to allow a user to manually re-sync to a web …
android android-actionbar actionviewIn Rails 2.3.x, you can override render_optional_error_file like so: # ApplicationController.rb protected def render_optional_error_file(…
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 exception-handling error-handling actionviewI would like to pass the form_for object to a partial: <%= form_for @price do |f| %> ... <%= …
ruby-on-rails object partials actionviewI'm trying to apply a class to the form generated by button_to in Rails 3. The :class option sets the …
ruby-on-rails css ruby-on-rails-3 helpers actionviewHow can I achieve query string and URL parameters in a link_to block declaration? Right now, I have this, …
ruby-on-rails activerecord actionviewI'm somewhat of a Rails newbie. I'm writing a couchrest-rails app, so am not using activerecord for this model. I …
ruby-on-rails actionview form-for actionviewhelperSomething like Rails.cache.delete('site_search_form') doesn't seem to work. Is this possible? Thanks.
ruby-on-rails ruby caching actionviewI am working on cleaning up some code that relies on some custom controller helper methods, by creating a "plain …
ruby-on-rails actionview actioncontroller actionviewhelperHow can I execute a image_tag method in a Rails console Run the console $ rails c Load helpers include …
ruby-on-rails helper irb actionview actionviewhelper