Top "Actionviewhelper" questions

For questions about helper classes for the Ruby on Rails module Action View.

Using helpers in rails 3 to output html

I'm trying my best to build a helper that outputs a <'ul> consisting of all the members of …

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 html-helper actionviewhelper
How can I add a view path to Rails's partial rendering lookup?

I'd like to have the following directory structure: views/ app1/ users/_user.html.erb users/index.html.erb app2/ users/…

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 partial-views actionview actionviewhelper
Rails form_tag form writing - with non-active record model

I'm somewhat of a Rails newbie. I'm writing a couchrest-rails app, so am not using activerecord for this model. I …

ruby-on-rails actionview form-for actionviewhelper
How to access a Rails controller view context from outside of a controller?

I am working on cleaning up some code that relies on some custom controller helper methods, by creating a "plain …

ruby-on-rails actionview actioncontroller actionviewhelper
Rails console - use image_tag method

How can I execute a image_tag method in a Rails console Run the console $ rails c Load helpers include …

ruby-on-rails helper irb actionview actionviewhelper
Rails problem with humanize

I am trying to humanize the symbols that are the keys for a hash c.each_key{ |f| humanize(f.…

ruby ruby-on-rails-3 actionview actionviewhelper
How to call 'time_ago_in_words' from a FunctionalTest?

I'm using 'time_ago_in_words' function in a view, and I need to test the output in the FunctionalTest. …

ruby-on-rails actionview actionviewhelper
How can I stop the password field being pre-populated on edit?

I have this problem all the time in my rails apps and I still need the correct solution. Whenever a …

ruby-on-rails forms webforms actionview actionviewhelper