Top "Actionview" questions

For questions about Action Views, HTML and Ruby templates used in Ruby on Rails

Rails problem with humanize

I am trying to humanize the symbols that are the keys for a hash c.each_key{ |f| humanize(f.…

ruby ruby-on-rails-3 actionview actionviewhelper
Rails3 button_to is calling POST action, trying to call PUT action

I have a button_to that I want to perform a PUT action (there is only one thing that can …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 actionview
How do I extract Rails view helpers into a gem?

I have a set of rails view helpers that I use regularly, and would like to package them up into …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 rubygems gem actionview
How to call 'time_ago_in_words' from a FunctionalTest?

I'm using 'time_ago_in_words' function in a view, and I need to test the output in the FunctionalTest. …

ruby-on-rails actionview actionviewhelper
ActionView::Template::Error (960.css isn't precompiled)

I have an iframe which renders a partial and is not part of the main application layout or asset pipeline. …

ruby-on-rails heroku actionview asset-pipeline
Ruby on Rails View inserting js.erb file via render

For including a piece of javascript that I only need on some pages, I put = javascript_tag do = render "inserts_…

javascript ruby-on-rails ruby actionview
Android: how to open image from gallery?

I've created a method in my app that saves my layout as an image and presents it in the gallery. …

android image android-intent gallery actionview
How can I stop the password field being pre-populated on edit?

I have this problem all the time in my rails apps and I still need the correct solution. Whenever a …

ruby-on-rails forms webforms actionview actionviewhelper
render default template when requested template is missing in Rails

For a plugin I want to hack the following feature into Rails: When a (partial) template does not exist (regardless …

ruby-on-rails render actionview
Passing block to label helper in rails3

I want to create label tag with some nested elements. I am using label helper and trying to pass inner …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 label block actionview