Top "Devise" questions

Devise is an authentication gem for Ruby-on-Rails.

Override devise registrations controller

I have added a field to the sign-up form that is based on a different model, see How do I …

ruby-on-rails devise
No route matches "/users/sign_out" devise rails 3

I've installed devise on my app and applied the following in my application.html.erb file: <div id="user_…

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 devise routes
"WARNING: Can't mass-assign protected attributes"

I have used RESTful techniques to generate a model (in fact, I am using Devise gem, which does that for …

ruby-on-rails activerecord devise
ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in RegistrationsController#create

Hi I am using Devise for my user authentication suddenly my new user registration was not working. this was error …

ruby-on-rails devise ruby-on-rails-4
Devise Secret Key was not set

I am developing a Rails 4 app using the Active Admin gem for the administration back end. Active Admin in turn …

ruby-on-rails devise
Create a devise user from Ruby console

Any idea on how to create and save a new User object with devise from the ruby console? When I …

ruby-on-rails ruby devise
rails - "WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity" for json devise requests

How can I retrieve the CSRF token to pass with a JSON request? I know that for security reasons Rails …

ruby-on-rails-3 ruby-on-rails-3.1 devise csrf
rails - Devise - Handling - devise_error_messages

in my user edit page, there is a line as follows: <%= devise_error_messages! %> The problem is this …

ruby-on-rails devise
Rails Devise: get object of the currently logged in user?

I've recently installed Devise on a rails application, and I am wondering if it is possible to get an instance …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-plugins devise