Create a devise user from Ruby console

Martin picture Martin · Nov 30, 2010 · Viewed 86.8k times · Source

Any idea on how to create and save a new User object with devise from the ruby console?

When I tried to save it, I'm getting always false. I guess I'm missing something but I'm unable to find any related info.


jspooner picture jspooner · Nov 30, 2010

You can add false to the save method to skip the validations if you want.{:email => "[email protected]", :roles => ["admin"], :password => "111111", :password_confirmation => "111111" }).save(false)

Otherwise I'd do this

User.create!({:email => "[email protected]", :roles => ["admin"], :password => "111111", :password_confirmation => "111111" })

If you have confirmable module enabled for devise, make sure you are setting the confirmed_at value to something like while creating.