Top "Maven-plugin" questions

Do not use this tag for the use of specific Maven plugins.

Maven AspectJ plugin fails to build with Java 9 due to missing tools.jar

I switched my JDK version from 8 to 9 and the AspectJ plugin no longer works due to missing tools.jar: Execution …

java maven maven-plugin aspectj-maven-plugin
Filter archetypes in Maven command line with archetype:generate

When trying to generate a Maven project from an archetype (using mvn archetype:generate), the command returns a lots of …

maven-3 maven-plugin maven-archetype
Maven Plugin which transpiles ES6 to ES5 which uses Traceur or Babel

Is there already a preferred way how to transpile ECMAScript6 code to ECMAScript5 using traceur or Babel (formely named 6to5) …

maven maven-plugin ecmascript-6 traceur babeljs
Use maven-exec-plugin to run command line

I want to use maven-exec-plugin to run command line (cmd) for converting a Markdown file to a PDF file using …

maven pom.xml maven-plugin pandoc exec-maven-plugin
How to use custom annotation processor with Maven 2?

In our enterprise application we are seeking a dynamic way to collect data from our Java classes. We created a …

java maven-2 annotations maven-plugin annotation-processing
How to stop tomcat 7 with maven in eclipse

When I run my maven web project in eclipse. I go to pom.xml, right click on the file and 1. …

maven tomcat jakarta-ee maven-plugin maven-tomcat-plugin
How to attach a maven plugin to a phase by default?

I have a maven plugin that should run in the compile phase, so in the project that consumes my plugin, …

java maven maven-plugin
jaxb2 maven plugin, define multiple schema files in separate tags

I'm using maven jaxb2 plugin to generate Java classes from xsd files. Recently i faced problem, my schema files list …

java xsd maven-plugin jaxb2 maven-jaxb2-plugin
Retrieving Maven Artifact from Repository using Maven Java API

If I have a Maven Artifact information (GroupId, ArtifactId, Version) how can I programmatically (using Java) retrieve that Artifact from …

java api maven maven-plugin aether
When to use MojoExecutionException vs MojoFailureException in Maven

The AbstractMavenMojo's execute method declares it throws two exceptions, MojoExecutionException and MojoFailureException. Throwing either results in the build stopping and …

maven-2 maven-plugin