Top "Android-maven-plugin" questions

The android-maven-plugin allows building of Android applications and libraries with Apache Maven and provides many more features related to Android development.

Could not find tool aapt. Please provide proper Android SDK directory path as configuration parameter

I am trying to build a android project using maven. But when I run : mvn clean install I get the …

android maven android-maven-plugin
Error in pom file in Maven project after importing into Eclipse

I am actually new to the Maven framework. I already have a Maven project. I installed the Maven plugin etc …

android maven-plugin m2eclipse android-maven-plugin
Android+Maven "No resource identifier found for attribute 'installLocation' in package 'android'"

To add support to my android app for installLocation I upped my android level from 7 to 8 in my IDE (IntelliJ). …

android maven android-maven-plugin Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration?

I'm stumped. We recently converted our Android project to a Maven project. My partner is using IntelliJ and I'm using …

android eclipse maven android-maven-plugin
how do I change my AndroidManifest as it's being packaged by maven

I have the maven goal update-manifest working in my project and updating the attributes I want changed based on the …

android maven android-manifest android-maven-plugin
How to import Android AAR dependencies using Maven in Eclipse?

Note : I am using Maven 3.2.2, Eclipse Luna This is the dependency in my pom.xml that uses Android AAR archive &…

android eclipse maven android-maven-plugin
You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity after adding google-play-services

In application I'm currently developing (it's my first android application) I use android-maven-plugin and maven-android-sdk-deployer. Application had been working great (…

android google-play-services android-appcompat android-maven-plugin
Android dependencies : apklib vs aar files

From my understanding, apklib contains code + resource shared with Maven . aar files are distributed by Gradle. The aar differ from …

android android-gradle-plugin android-maven-plugin apklib aar
android-maven-plugin and resource filtering

I'm newbie in maven and trying to configure it to build my android project with android-maven-plugin. I have an application.…

android maven android-maven-plugin maven-resources-plugin
Failed to execute goal

I have an Android project that uses Maven. It works with my old computer running Windows XP. but now in …

android maven android-maven-plugin